Sunday, January 3, 2010

Jot Form, Something new I Like

Hi everyone,

Web forms can be tricky for even savvy coders to create - often because we do it infrequently enough that we forget all the in's and out's. I have found a new, free resource to do that and wanted to share it with you -

Simply, JotForm lets you create WYSIWIG forms simply and easily (and for free - always my favorite price). I've already created one that is integrated into my counseling site. It's something I've thought of for a long time - a contact form that includes the insurance info - so I can call and check benefits for them. It's already paid off, I've gotten one person filling it out within 24 hours of it being up.

Check it out for yourself! Best, Peter

1 comment:

Mike said...

Love Jotform. Been using it for intake for about 3 months. Next step create my own version or find a way for Jotform info to be auto imported into the cms of my ShrinkNotes online practice management system.