Tuesday, January 10, 2012

If You Want to Make Google Laugh, Tell It Your Plans

"If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." - Woody Allen

So, dear readers, if you were reading this blog about 24 hours ago, the ever-silly Google Guy put out his ideas on what would happen with Google in 2012. HA! In the course of under a day, I was proved both right and wrong and perhaps wronger at the same time. But I digress.

Today, Google unveiled (without even consulting me) a very large change to how, and they process search engine results. It's called Google Search plus Your World, and to net it out, they integrated social network results with their old search results to create a totally personalized set of results for each searcher.

Oy vey! Throughout the planet right now, SEO consultants are losing sleep figuring out how this will impact their current Page 1 rankings, and how they will measure success for their clients, now that everyone in the world will see different %*@#$ results. UGH! This does make one of my predictions come true, though!

I still don't know if this will drive people to really *use* Google+, but darn, it will make every web marketer and SEO consultant to include it in their implementations.

OK, I am off to study this a bit more. Let's see how this will all shake out.

Best, Peter
Getting Therapists on Google

1 comment:

Dr Deah said...

Thanks for this heads up, Peter. I've passed it along. BTW, would be great to get your blog by email -- my short term memory doesn't remember to come to the blog as often as would be useful for me. LOL
~ Deah